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Self Help Tips and Strategies

If you find it tough to get on with your college life every now and again:


Survival Guide 

Anxiety Flyer 

Health and Wellbeing Brochure


Mindfulness video -


Covid specific working from home info -


Sleeping video


Exercise video -


Healthy Eating video -


Meditation Podcast -


Covid special podcast on Health and Wellbeing -


Mental Health podcast


FCSA video Mindfulness in a minute


Here are some hints and tips to help:


Positive health and wellbeing allows us meaningful ways to cope with life’s challenges. It is essential to look after our physical and mental health so we can bounce back after and during stressful times.


Thinking about what works for YOU as an individual is the most important thing to guarantee that you’re really looking after yourself.


As our Health & Wellbeing Adviser John Blakey says:

“What I think is great for my self-care, might not be beneficial for someone else, so it is really important to make sure we become aware of what we want from our lives and what makes us feel good about it”.


Have a look at these useful self-care hints to put together a plan of looking out for yourself that works for you:


Friendships - Connect regularly with family and friends and do things together that you all enjoy. Befriending in Fife


Exercise - This one really helps with reducing stress levels and improving your health. It may go hand in hand with the first tip, find an activity that you enjoy with your friends and do it together. Try aiming for 20 minutes a day, even a 10-minute walk will benefit you.  Active Fife


A balanced diet - Eat nutritious food as this helps with energy levels and stress management. Try to avoid too much caffeine, sugar and alcohol – try and drink more water too.  Food and Health Fife


Ask for help - If you’re experiencing stress or worry it can help to talk to someone about it. We have a lot of support on offer at Fife College, and loads of people who are ready and available to talk to you. Student Support


Be kind to yourself - Encouraging and rewarding yourself for getting through a difficult period or achieving a goal, however small, will reinforce your self-confidence. Try to be as positive and compassionate towards yourself as much as you can. Kindness Matters


Sleep - Try to switch off your electronics at least an hour before going to bed. If you’re finding it difficult to get to sleep, try a relaxation technique or an app that helps you feel sleepy again.  Better Sleep Fife


Mindfulness - Practicing being in the moment and some relaxation meditation can help you take control of an overactive and worrying mind.  Mindfulness Fife



Pop into one of our FCSA offices in Kirkcaldy, Dunfermline or Glenrothes to have a chat with the Presidents.


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