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Health and Wellbeing

John Blakey - Health & Wellbeing Adviser


Fife College is committed to the provision of high-quality support for students to safeguard their physical, emotional and mental wellbeing being.


The role of the Health and Wellbeing Adviser;


  • Develops and delivers a range of Mental Health initiatives

  • Contributes to the Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Fife College

  • Seeks to improve the communication between Fife College and Health Promotion Services

  • Promotes and educates students and staff in mental health and wellbeing – through ongoing training and workshops, including Scotland’s Mental Health First Aid, Mindfulness, Suicide Alertness etc.

  • Works closely with NHS Fife to promote positive lifestyle behaviours including tobacco prevention

  • Creates and produces Health and Wellbeing events and initiatives through campaign work

  • Works directly with a cohort of students who require more in-depth Health and Wellbeing support


The Health and Wellbeing post is widespread, and John will have a presence on each campus as well as online – providing a comprehensive and inclusive service to ensure that Fife College’s focus on Health and Wellbeing for all its learners and staff is key.


John is committed and dedicated to overseeing these initiatives to make a difference in the lives of students and staff within Fife College.



Pop into one of our FCSA offices in Kirkcaldy, Dunfermline or Glenrothes to have a chat with the Presidents.


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